बुधवार, ३ जानेवारी, २०२४

समर्पण surrender

Oh sage of Himalaya !
In the shower of your love 
The unconditional love .
My thirst of years is over. 
The unbreakable chain,
 of birth and death is shattered.
Like a feather I am flying ,
in my consciousness ,
with minute trace of me.
My existence is not but 
Millions & millions Golden particles
Emitting light   
Pulsating with energy 
of unknown source.
my breath is not there 
I am not aware of my heart beats 
my sensations are dimmed .
And I realise it is not me 
not only me but  it is us ... we !
who formed a shape of you
it is not my will 
it is not our will 
but it's all your will .
Which exists, surrounding us.
The only and last flower 
of my wishdom ,
my devotion 
is in my hand , i
n our hand ,
we call it surrender 
the samrpan (समर्पण) .

© डॉ.विक्रांत प्रभाकर तिकोणे 
https://kavitesathikavita.blogspot.com  .

कोणत्याही टिप्पण्‍या नाहीत:

टिप्पणी पोस्ट करा


मागणे ***** आता माझे हे एकच मागणे दत्तात्रयी राहणे घडो यावे ॥ हृदयी धडधड व्हावी दत्त दत्त  स्पर्शात दृष्टीत भरावा तो...