मंगळवार, ११ जुलै, २०२३

A step

A step

And suddenly I saw,
Gathering of 
uncooperative people
arond me.

I thought,
I am good, I am courteous.
Being respcted and  loved 
by everybody.
Every subordinate, every staff.

Which was mere hypnosis, 
A day light mirage,
Created by sleepy, dreamy eyes.

Facts were telling me
No sir,
You are just,
A means to operate,
A step of ladder.
As soon you cause
You will be jumped upon,
Discarded by every foot.

But then,
This is the rule of life.
One should accept it.
So did I.
Let the bitterness linger in me
which is obviously 
a part from life.

© डॉ.विक्रांत प्रभाकर तिकोणे 

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