रविवार, १८ जून, २०२३

Not my world

Not my world

As days are passing
I am becoming 
More and more Unfit  
to the world 
and the work

Reluctance to work 
Dirty Politics 

Is what 
Most of 
surrounding is

Where you get tools
but no power 
you get place 
but no peace
You get collogue
But no cooperation
And you have to live
with fury and flood
wet and cold

There are fools
around you 
You have to write eassy 
to get rid of them 
And mostly 
You get defeated 
by them .

Bosses are there
to save their skin 
social worker 
cum politician
to achieve their aim
ambitions and dreams.

I think
For this 
One need to be 
become Nut 
Which I can not .
So accepting 
my defeat .
and planning exist.

I think this is not my world.

© डॉ.विक्रांत प्रभाकर तिकोणे 

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