गुरुवार, १६ फेब्रुवारी, २०२३

You choose

You choose
You choose not to see me 
you choose not to think about me 

but tell me O dear is it possible ?
how can water forget its coolness?
how can flower forget its fragnance?
how can Earth lose its softness ?
how can Sky deny it's brightness ?
you know it  very well 
they are not separable 
and so me from you  !

I am in your breath like air !
I am in your eyes like tears !
I am in your dream like colours !
I am in your heart like a swear !

don't try it ever, let me be here 
as I am  a part of you 
weather I will be there or not there.

© डॉ.विक्रांत प्रभाकर तिकोणे https://kavitesathikavita.blogspot.com ☘☘☘☘☘☘ ..

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